Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday 4/15/09

Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad! Today is their sealing anniversary.

Mom had a good night. She breathed slow and steady all night at about 5 breaths per minute. It was a good night. We all spent the night again except Stacie, Dave, Mary and Tom. Steve was up a few times checking on her. I think we are all sleeping with one ear open. Its nice to see she is comfortable.

This morning we dispursed as usual to take care of duties of the day with the intent to return as soon as possible. Its so hard to be away because we just can't concentrate.

By about 9:30 am she looks quite different and she dipped to 3-4 breaths per minute. Grandad recognizes from experience as a Bishop that she may go today. We gave her a mini bath and she is so cute. She looks and smells freshly showered and very peaceful. However, the activity perked her up and she's back breathing stronger and back to 6 per minute.

The roller coaster continues...

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