Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

Sunday, 5 or 6 of us played hooky from church and ended up at mom's. It was enjoyable to be together. Randy's ears must have been burning because we talked about how we wished he were here and how much we enjoy his visits. We look forward to the time he can bring Coco and the girls.

The weekend was rough for mom. The vertigo was a bit better Monday and Tuesday. She is noticeably weaker and sicker. She's mostly groggy now and in and out. When she's awake or talking she seems herself. She's beginning to give up big meals and relying on mostly snacks now. She'll have an occasional half cup of food.

With Dad's urging she finally tried the morphine drops to help take more of the edge off from her arm pain. Ibuprofen isn't enough. She had nervous legs all night and thought it might be from the morhpine. The boys: Tim, Steve and Eddie were teasing her that its such a weak dose that they would have to drink the entire bottle to get a small buzz. The pharmacist confirmed the same. He said he's not aware of nervous legs being a side effect besides its such a small dose he'd be surprised that she would feel any effects at all.

Mom had some complications Tuesday night and felt really terrible. Its the first time she's not wanted any visitors. Of course, we were concerned and worried how she and Dad would fare the night. It wasn't the most restful for either of them but she's better today and they are catching up on sleep. When we asked Mom how she felt her response was, "I'm comfortable." Seems the morphine/ibuprofen are doing their job although she does not enjoy the groggy feeling.

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