Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11, 2009

The house was finally quiet by about ten o'clock last night. No one wanted to leave. Dave, Dee and I (Mary) were with Mom as she started throwing up. She heaved every ten to fifteen minutes for four and a half hours. We finally sent Dave home to his wife and new baby around midnight. At 2:30 am she vomited for the last time and settled into a deep sleep. Her demeanor is amazing. She even heaves gracefully.

She slept soundly until about 8:00am. Dad, Dee and I called and talked to Hospice early this morning. It was determined that because her digestive tract is not functioning well she was probably purging many days of food and liquid that have just been sitting in her stomach. She took a new pill right before bed that was prescribed to fight the thrush. It was probably the catalyst. Interestingly, what was a miserable night for her really was a blessing in disguise. Her stomach is much less distended this morning and she feels better. She is also responding well to the essential oils reflexology that Janet is doing. Hospice is coming by this morning to see what can be done to help her digestive tract function better.

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