Thursday, April 9, 2009

04/09/09 - Stacie

I thought I would update the blog while I am here at Mom's. I think most of us are having a hard time doing anything else but going to hang out at Dad and Mom's house. Not only to spend time with Mom but to feel the strength of the family. When I come it is hard to leave. I am grateful for the love and friendships we have for each other. We have a good family. We have good parents.

We have seen a lot of changes in Mom the past week and a half.   She continues to get weaker. Most of the day she is in and out of sleep. She is also showing signs of confusion. She woke up yesterday with a sore throat and cold sores. Jane (the nurse) came by to check on Mom and has her taking nystatin (medicine to treat thrush). We are not convinced that is what is causing the sore throat, but we will see if it gets any better. She has decided not to take any medicine for the cold sores (does that sound like Mom or what)? Today she has expressed her throat and arms are quite uncomfortable.  We haven't convinced her yet to up the morphine a little bit. Betty is getting the okay with Jane as I type.  When Mom feels like she needs or wants more we will be ready.  She has definently hit a new level and we are trying to adjust to her needs.

The most concerning thing is her breathing pattern. Dee has been sleeping with Mom while she's here. In recent nights Dee has noticed irregular breathing and at times no breathing. This is mentioned in the hospice booklet. Last night Dee was unable to sleep and she timed Mom's Apnea (no breathing). She frequently will go 30-35 seconds then gasp to catch her breath then she's normal again until the next time. We reported this to Jane. She agreed that this is concerning. Dad mentioned that in the booklet it suggests when breathing becomes an issue we could be looking at a month or so left. Jane's response was Mom is deteriorating quickly and more than she lets on. It may not be that long.

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