Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday April 14, 2009

Today the nurse came by to check on Mom. She let us know that she is sleeping peaceful and she is hearing her surroundings. We hope she is enjoying having us around as much as we have loved being here. Our feelings are tender today. When I walked in Dad had some of Mom's things spread out on the bed. We are gathering things for the funeral and program. Tears are coming easy today. Of course lack of sleep isn't helping.

Her vitals are dropping again. They have dropped by half since this time yesterday.

Uncle Randy called and is anxious to come. He was going to wait but asked if he could come on Thursday as he originally planned before she started declining. We are very eager to have him.

Dad got a call from Ecuador. There is a group of their missionaries that are gathering today to collect money. They figure they can collect enough to send one. We are touched by their loyalty and love. Their sacrifices continue to humble us.

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