Saturday, April 11, 2009

We had a really good Hospice visit. After the nurse visited with mom and got some details of the last 24 hours all of us gathered into her bedroom and talked about what's going on and what to expect next. As she assessed her vital signs, she explained that her elevated heart rate is concerning because she is resting peacefully and not in pain. Then she carefully explained how the organs start to shut down and that mom's kidneys were failing. This would be accompanied by heavy dreaming and changes in her breathing (which we have already noticed). The timing is heavily affected by the will to live or die. I mentioned that the 13th sibling (Tom) was flying in tonight at 8:30pm and she said to keep telling her how many hours until he arrives. She has had family in and out all day. There have been lots of laughs and lots of tears. All can tell we are near the end.

Being one of the three children who lives out of town I have been praying that somehow all of us could be together at the end. I feel so grateful that it is working out this way and am grateful for the Lord's tender mercies.

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