Monday, April 13, 2009

April 11, 2009

Saturday was filled with grandchildren coming to visit and say their goodbyes. We really felt the Spirit grow as the day progressed. As we had been experiencing they too had a difficult time wanting to leave. We were getting a bit concerned how worn out she was becomming. We wanted her to still be coherent when Tom arrived. We reminded her all afternoon how much time before he would be here. She was constantly dreaming and not really waking up for much.

Tom did arrive and we all watched with anticipation as he entered the room. He bent over to hug her and said, "Hi Mom." She opened her eyes and replied, "Oh, Tom!" She came in and out for the next hour asking him questions and keeping up with the conversation as best she could. About an hour later she drifted into unconsciousness and hasn't awakened since. She really was waiting for him.

That night one by one each of decided we would stay the night. We have never done a siblings sleep over (or night) with just Mom and Dad. Stacie was born when Steve was on his mission and Steve, Connie and Linda were gone or married by the time Dave was born. To be adults and be together was wonderful. We laughed till our muscles hurt, we cried ourselves into headaches, got almost no sleep and experienced deep bonding. The Spirit was strong as we knelt together around Mom's bed just as we did growing up. Dad gave two beautiful family prayers.

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