Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mom & Jane (hospice nurse)

This week has been eventful with Connie's brothers visiting. They have both gone home now and it was nice to have them here. Randy's visit seemed especially to end too quickly. We look forward to another visit soon. With all the visitors Connie became quite tired. Oh how she and I love the visits especially from the family.

Recently, one of the medications she was taking was doubled with hopes to help with pain in her arms. She experienced some side effects one of which made the room spin and the dizziness was only controlled by not moving, even her head in the slightest. The doctor discontinued that particular medication to see if the vertigo would diminish. Much to Connie's discontent the doctor wants to treat side effects with more medicine that cause more side effects. More medications have been added. Some have helped and others not. For now, the dizziness is better. She is not strong enough or steady enough to get up independently. She appears more weak and groggy and cat naps throughout the day. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the medicine is the culprit and perhaps this is the condition she is now in.

Jane, her hospice nurse, came by this morning. She was checking up on some of the orders she left last week. She enjoys coming and says she looks forward to her visits because Connie is her easiest patient. Like all other situations in Connie's life, she makes even dying from cancer look easy. Connie is passing through this trial with quiet dignity and enduring more than she lets on. Even Jane comments on it. Today she asked me if anyone has told Connie that she's sick yet.

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